7th Dark Dragon King Cup (5/07)

1° Lugar:
Player: Murakami
Deck: Murakami Gadgets
2X Red Gadget
2X Yellow Gadget
2X Green Gadget
2X Tragoedia
3X Blackwing- Gale of The Hurricane
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole
1X Plaguespeader Zombie
3X Dimensional Fissure
2X Book of Moon
2X Nobleman of Crossout
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Smashing Ground
1X Fissure
1X Monster Reborn
1X Brain Control
1X Swords of Revealing Light
1X Limiter Removal
1X Lightning Vortex
1X Shrink
3X Solemn Judgment
3X Bottomless Trap Hole
3X Sakuretsu Armor
1X Mirror Force
1X Trap Dustshoot
1X Torrential Tribute
Extra Deck
O de sempre..
Fonte: http://shriek.twoday.net/stories/5814004/
Postado por:_MoNo_