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1st Place

Deck: Giant Stone Destroy




3X Krebons

2X The End of Anubis

2X Caius the Shadow Monarch

2X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

2X Breaker the Magical Warrior

1X Dark Armed Dragon

1X Spirit Reaper

1X Tragoedia

1X Cyber Dragon

1X Vanity's Fiend

1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whirlwind

1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness


2X Nobleman of Extermination

2X Allure of Darkness

2X Mausoleum of Emperor

1X Giant Trunade

1X Emergency Teleport

1X Fire of Doomsday

1X Nobleman of Crossout

1X Brain Control

1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystical Space Typhoon


2X Dark Ilusion

2X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Call of Haunted

1X Trap Dustshoot

Side Deck

3X Thunder King Rai-Oh

1X Jinzo

1X Tragoedia

1X Nobleman of Crossout

2X Soul Exchange

2X My Body is a Shield

1X Torrential Tribute

2X Mind Crush

2X Dust Tornado

Extra Deck

1X Goyo Guardian

2X Tempest Magician

1X Stardust Dragon

1X Magical Android

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

1X Arcanite Magician

1X Mist Wurm

1X Dark End Dragon

1X Ally of Justice Catastor

1X Thought Ruler Archfiend

1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon



End of Anubis

Dark/Level 6


Atk 2500/Def 0

Efeito: Enquanto essa carta estiver virada para cima no campo, todos os efeito de cartas Magics, Traps, e de Cartas de Monstro que designa uma carta no cemitério ou que é ativada no cemitério são negadas.


Postado por:_MoNo_

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