Popai Negão Shop Tournament (24/03)

1st Place
Player: Flow
Deck: Six Samurai
Monsters: 11
3X Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
1X Hand of the Six Samurai
3X Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
1X Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
3X Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
Spells: 14
2X Pot of Duality
3X Shien's Smoke Signal
1X Monster Reborn
1X Reinforcement of the Army
1X Giant Trunade
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Book of Moon
3X Six Samurai United
1X Gateway of the Six
Traps: 14
2X Dimensional Prison
1X Mirror Force
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
3X Double-Edged Sword Technique
1X Royal Oppression
1X Xing Zhen Hu
2X Solemn Warning
2X Magatama of Musakami
1X Gaia Knight - The Force of Earth
1X Ally of Justice Catastor
2X Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
1X Magical Android
1X Naturia Barkion
1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Flamvell Uruquizas
1X Naturia Landoise
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Trishula. Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Ally of Justice Decisive Arms
1X No.39, Aspiring King Hope
1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2nd Place
Player: Rainbow Dragon
Deck: Agent-Angel
Monsters: 20
3X Mystical Shine Ball
3X The Agent of Creation - Venus
1X Honest
1X Hecatrice
2X Archlord Krystia
3X Master Hyperion
3X The Agent of Mystery - Earth
3X Herald of Orange Light
1X Ally Genex Birdman
Spells: 12
3X Pot of Duality
1X Monster Reborn
3X Treasure of Heaven
1X Dark Hole
2X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Book of Moon
1X Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
Traps: 08
1X Mirror Force
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
2X Solemn Warning
1X Solemn Judgment
2X Seven Tools of Bandit
1X Gaia Knight - The Force of Earth
1X Armory Arm
1X Ally of Justice Catastor
1X T.G Hyper Librarian
1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Stardust Dragon
1X Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Mist Wurm
1X Ally of Justice Decisive Arms
1X Solid-Frozec Gantetsu
2X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Fonte: http://shriek.twoday.net/stories/16540908/
O deck Six Samurai tá levando tudo!!
Thud! ja revelado
Krystia é muuuuuuito apelão!
Pois é... Tsunami não levou junto os Six...
Galera pensa que Duality entra em qualquer deck ..
Duality em GB e agora em Six , eu particularmente não testei mas acredito que seja uma merda , namoral ..
o deck de six rem 39 cartas
e mesmo 39 cartas.tem que ser anulado esse champ...
isso e robo descarado na cara limpa...
avante six samurai
Uma dica de deck:
Blue Pirates:
Silent Swordsman Lv 3 2x
Silent Swordsman Lv 5 2x 4
Silent Swordsman Lv 7 2x 6
Exiled Force 2x 8
Skull Mariner 2x
Cloudian Altus 2x 10
Cloudian Sheep Cloud 2x 12
Cloudian Nimbusman 2x 14
Cloudian Turbulence 2x
United We Stand 2x 16
Banner of Courage 2x 18
Warrior Returnin Alive 2x 20
Big Wave Small Wave 2x 22
Luck Cloud 2x 24
Pot of Duality 2x
Pot of Benevolence 2x
Pot of Greed 2x
Treasure Map 2x 26
Gust 2x 28
Rain Storm 2x 30
Raging Cloudian 2x 32
Aegis of Ocean Dragon Lord 2x 34
Uma dica de Deck:
Nectar Style:
Naturia Cherries 2x
Naturia Strawberry 2x
Naturia Pineapple 2x
Naturia Sunflower 2x
Naturia Marron 2x
Naturia Horneedle 2x
Bee List Soldier 2x
Armored Bee 2x
Spore 2x
Dandylion 2x
Botanical Lion 2x
Naturia Guardian 2x
Hedge Guard 2x
Glow up Bulb 2x
Sweet Corn 2x
Miracle Fertilizer 2x
Super Solar Nurtient 2x
Plant Food Chain 2x
Esse só foi um teste.