Regional Qualifier Orlando [TCG]
![Regional Qualifier Orlando [TCG]](
1st Place
Deck: Debris Control

3X Debris Dragon
2X Lonefire Blossom
1X Tytannial, Princess of Camellias
1X Dandylion
3X Armageddon Knight
3X Necro Gardna
2X Caius the Shadow Monarch
2X Mystic Tomato
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Blackwing - Gale of the Whirlwind
1X Plaguespreader Zombie
1X Krebons
1X Treeborn Frog
2X Allure of Darkness
2X Mark of the Rose
3X Burial from Different Dimension
2X Foolish Burial
2X Pot of Avarice
1X Mind Control
1X Brain Control
1X Heavy Storm
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
3X Threatening Roar
1X Call of Haunted
Side Deck
1X Dark Armed Dragon
2X Book of Eclipse
2X Nobleman of Crossout
2X Twister
1X Smashing Ground
1X Emergency Teleport
1X Giant Trunade
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
2X Mirror of Oaths
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Trident Dragon
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
3X Stardust Dragon
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Black Rose Dragon
2X Ancient Fairy Dragon
1X Arcanite Magician
1X Goyo Guardian
2X Iron Chain Dragon
1X Magical Android
1X Armory Arm
Postado por:_MoNo_
Opa lembrando sempre que tenho 90% desse deck pronto a venda, inclusive o side deck! 😀
E eu pensando que Debris Princess tinha morrido... Potencial foda do deck!
deck punk o loco
gostei do deck, mas agora q vai sai a harmony's treasure eu motei um deck com 46 cartas q roda muito bem e own geral