Resultado: X-Campeonato Yugioh TCG/Joinville

Como sempre, o campeonato aconteceu na Livrarias Curitiba no Shopping Mueller, tivemos 18 participantes (menos do que o esperado em conta do feriadão) mas o campeonato foi massa mesmo assim contando com a presença de um duelista de São Paulo. Foram distribuidos Boosters Ancient Prophecy entre os participantes, abaixo as fotos do campeonato e o Decklist do Top 8. Agradecimentos aos amigos, Alan, Zeca e Guaxxi que ajudaram na organização do torneio. Abraço a todos e até o próximo campeonato.
Quartas de Final
Mario X Marcelo Brunken ( Chaos Dragon vs Gear Vision)
Halisson X JP ( Dark Zombie vs Monarch)
Vitor X Guaxxi ( GB vs Zombie)
Jorge X Inseto ( Control vs Plant)
Jorge vs Vitor ( Control vs GB)
Mario vs Halisson ( Chaos Dragon vs Dark Zombie)- Video Abaixo!!!
Link: youtube=
Mario X Jorge (Chaos Dragon vs Control)
Campeão: Mario S. Alves
Deck: Chaos Dragon
2X Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2X Red-Eyes Wyvern
1X Dark Horus
1X Dark Armed Dragon
2X Koaki' Meiru Drago
1X White Night Dragon
1X Prime Material Dragon
2X Dimensional Alchemist
1X Cyber Dragon
2X Krebons
2X Chaos Sorcerer
1X Plaguespreader Zombie
1X Phantom of Chaos
2X Allure of Darkness
2X Book of Moon
2X Gold Sarcophagus
2X D.D.R Different Dimension Reincarnation
1X Future Fusion
1X Trade-In
1X Foolish Burial
1X Heavy Storm
1X Emergency Teleport
1X Brain Control
1X Smashing Ground
1X Swords of Revealing Light
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Call of Haunted
1X Mirror Force
Side Deck
2X Blackwing-Sirocco the Dawn
1X G.B Hunter
1X Trap Eater
1X Koaki Mei'ru Drago
2X Soul Release
2X Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2X Malevolent Catastrophe
2X Skill Drain
2X Mirror of Oaths
2X Stardust Dragon
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Thought Ruler Archfiend
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Iron Chain Dragon
1X X-Saber Urbellum
2X Five Headed Dragon
2° Lugar: Jorge(Boldgale)
Deck: Control
2X Prime Material Dragon
3X Caius The Shadow Monarch
1X Jinzo
2X Breaker the Magical Warrior
1X Chaos Sorcerer
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X The Tricky
1X Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy
1X Dandylion
2X D.D Warrior Lady
1X Sangan
1X Marshmallon
1X Spirit Reaper
1X Treeborn Frog
1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole
2X Book of Moon
2X Fissure
2X Shrink
1X Allure of Darkness
1X Foolish Burial
1X Nobleman of Extermination
1X Heavy Storm
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Lightning Vortex
1X Brain Control
1X Smashing Ground
1X Swords of Revealing Light
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Call of Haunted
Side Deck
1X Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1X Injection Fairy Lily
2X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1X Twister
2X Pulling the Rug
1X Dust Tornado
2X Black Horn of Heaven
2X Imperial Iron Wall
2X Mirror of Oaths
1X Divine Wrath
3° Lugar: Vitor Deboni
Deck: GB
2X Gladiator Beast Laquari
1X Gladiator Beast Bestiari
2X Gladiator Beast Samnite
2X Gladiator Beast Equeste
2X Gladiator Beast Darius
1X Gladiator Beast Murmillo
1X Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
1X Gladiator Beast Secutor
3X Test Tiger
1X Rescue Cat
1X Gorz, Emissary of Darkness
1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole
2X Gladiator Proving Ground
2X Book of Moon
3X Shrink
1X Heavy Storm
1X Giant Trunade
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Lightning Vortex
1X Cold Wave
3X Gladiator Beast War Chariot
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
3X Waboku
1X Call of Haunted
1X Torrential Tribute
Side Deck
2X D.D Crow
2X Prohibition
2X Twister
2X Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2X Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
2X Mask of Restrict
2X Mirror of Oaths
1X Dust Tornado
1X Stardust Dragon
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Black Rose Dragon
2X Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
2X Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
4° Lugar: Halisson Stalker
Deck:Dark Zombie
2X Zombie Master
1X Goblin Zombie
1X Pyramid Turtle
2X Mezuki
3X Necro Gardna
3X Armageddon Knight
1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whrilwind
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Dark Armed Dragon
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Sangan
1X Plaguespreader Zombie
1X Rose, Warrior of Revenge
1X Breaker the Magical Warrior
3X Burial From a Different Dimension
2X Book of Life
2X Foolish Burial
1X Brain Control
1X Reinforcement of the Army
1X Lightning Vortex
1X Heavy Storm
1X Giant Trunade
1X Mind Control
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
2X Threatening Roar
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Call of Haunted
1X Mirror Force
Side Deck
2X D.D Crow
1X Trap Eater
2X Warrior Elimination
2X Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2X Mirror of Oaths
2X Pulling the Rug
2X Dust Tornado
1X Intercept
1X Malevolent Catastrophe
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Stardust Dragon
1X Thought Ruler Archfiend
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X X-Saber Urbellum
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
2X Revived King Ha Des
1X Doomkaiser Dragon
1X Iron Chain Dragon
1X Magical Android
1X Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
5° Lugar: João Paulo(JP)
Deck: Monarch
3X Raiza the Storm Monarch
3X Caius the Shadow Monarch
1X Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
1X Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1X Prime Material Dragon
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy
1X Treeborn Frog
1X Sangan
1X Spirit Reaper
1X Breaker the Magical Warrior
1X Marshmallon
2X Gravekeeper's Spy
1X Dandylion
1X Chaos Sorcerer
1X Level Warrior
Spell Cards(12)
2X Soul Exchange
2X Book of Moon
1X Brain Control
1X Heavy Storm
1X Smashing Ground
2X Enemy Controller
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Allure of Darkness
1X Foolish Burial
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
2X Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1X Call of Haunted
1X Torrential Tribute
Side Deck
1X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2X Legendary Jiujitsu Master
2X D.D Warrior Lady
1X D.D Crow
1X Vanity Fiend
1X Twister
2X Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2X Threatening Roar
2X Divine Wrath
1X Dust Tornado
6° Lugar: Leandro (Guaxxi)
3X Zombie Master
2X Goblin Zombie
2X Mezuki
2X Pyramid Turtle
2X Malevolent Mech-Goku En
2X Necro Gardna
1X Ill Blud
2X Armageddon Knight
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Dark Resonator
1X Plaguespreader Zombie
1X Sangan
2X Allure of Darkness
3X Book of Life
2X Foolish Burial
2X Shrink
1X Heavy Storm
1X Reinforcement of the Army
1X Brain Control
1X Enemy Controller
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Lightning Vortex
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Call of Haunted
1X Raigeki Break
1X Torrential Tribute
Side Deck
2X Trap Eater
3X Zombie World
1X Twister
1X Giant Trunade
1X Lightning Vortex
2X Imperial Iron Wall
1X Malevolent Catastrophe
1X Seven Tools of Bandit
1X Mask of Restrict
2X Dust Tornado
1X Stardust Dragon
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Psychic Lifetrancer
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Iron Chain Dragon
2X Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
7° Lugar: Fabricio (Inseto)
3X Gigaplant
2X Tytannial Princess of Camellias
3X Blazewing Buterfly
3X Evil Thorn
2X Lonefire Blossom
2X Botanical Lion
1X Dandylion
2X Ryko,Lightworn Hunter
2X Copy Plant
1X Sangan
1X Gorz, Emissary of Darkness
3X Super Solar Nutrient
3X Mark of the Rose
3X Miracle Fertilizer
1X Heavy Storm
1X Future Fusion
1X Pot of Avarice
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
3X Raigeki Break
2X Wall of Thorns
1X Call of Haunted
Side Deck
1X G.B Hunter
1X Black Garden
1X Giant Trunade
1X D.D.R-Different Dimension Reincarnation
1X Reasoning
1X Smashing Ground
1X Dark Bribe
1X Dust Tornado
1X Return From a Different Dimension
2X Pollinosis
3X Compulsory Evacuation Device
1X Torrential Tribute
2X Power Toll Dragon
1X Ancient Fairy Dragon
1X Armory Arm
1X Queen of Thorns
1X Magical Android
3X Superalloy Beast Raptinus
8° Lugar: Marcelo Brunken
Deck: Gear Vision
3X Beast King Barbaros
3X Ancient Gear Gadjitron Dragon
2X Beast Machine King Barbaros Ur
3X Minefieldriller
3X Dekoichi,the Battlechanted Locomotive
2X Black Salvo
1X Dark Armed Dragon
1X Sangan
3X Future Visions
3X Geartown
3X Terraforming
3X Forbidden Chalice
3X Trade-In
2X Allure of Darkness
1X Heavy Storm
1X Limiter Removal
1X Mirror Force
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Call of Haunted
Side Deck
2X Blackwing-Sirocco the Dawn
1X Phantom Dragon
2X Lightning Vortex
3X Twister
2X Soul Release
1X Brain Control
2X Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
2X Light-Imprisoning Mirror
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Ancient Fairy Dragon
Postado por:_MoNo_
ei massa mesmo
pena que foi poucos duelistas dai a premiação e os sorteios ficaram prejuticados mais enfim..........champ eh champ e parabens aos integrantes do TOP 8
Esse champ, teve o duelo mais louco que eu já vi.
Mario X Alsson.
foi fodaaa.
pena que não deu pro pessoal daqui de jlle.
Lembrando que quem gostou do deck do campeão, Otaner, este que vos fala, tem 70% desse deck a venda na pasta!!! 😀
Interessados me procurem! Faço um bom preço!
Porra perdi esse de novo ein...
Malditos compromissos e decks que n ficam prontos
abraço moçada
nada como estar apenas como expectador e nao ser esmagado como sempre, e saí com o deck 85% completo.
alguem tem stratos pra vender?