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Astral Pack 6

Astral Pack 6

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Lançamento: 09/12/2014

Ultimate Rare
AP06-EN001 Tour Guide From the Underworld
AP06-EN002 Number 11: Big Eye
AP06-EN003 Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare

Super Rare
AP06-EN004 Traptrix Myrmeleo
AP06-EN005 White Dragon Wyverburster
AP06-EN006 Black Dragon Collapserpent
AP06-EN007 Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei
AP06-EN008 Shaddoll Beast
AP06-EN009 Underworld Fighter Balmung
AP06-EN010 Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk
AP06-EN011 Summoner's Art
AP06-EN012 Bujincarnation
AP06-EN013 Infernity Break

AP06-EN014 Sea Kamen
AP06-EN015 Gruesome Goo
AP06-EN016 Amazon of the Seas
AP06-EN017 King of the Skull Servants
AP06-EN018 Vanity's Fiend
AP06-EN019 Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
AP06-EN020 Machina Fortress
AP06-EN021 Man-eating Black Shark
AP06-EN022 Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
AP06-EN023 Nobleman of Crossout
AP06-EN024 Thunder Crash
AP06-EN025 The Monarchs Stormforth
AP06-EN026 Ceasefire
AP06-EN027 Royal Command
AP06-EN028 Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell

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